Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I heard back from CHOC and she confimed pretty much everything I thought it was going to be.  All of the Canadian fees would be the same because whether they check the 1 kid or 2 kids box their prep work has no change.  I would only need to double the immigration and documents.  Furthermore, she did say the fees in USD would be double - and that is all of the Russian fees.  Sigh.  As much as I would love to take home two kids doubling the largest expense is just too much.

To go back to my daydream post from early on in this blog- I do only see myself and Mike on a plane with one kid.  Long term though, I always see me with two... we shall see if I am one of the cases where the couple gets pregnant once they've adopted!  Maybe those mom hormones will fix whatever needs fixing!


  1. Or maybe you'll get one Kid and feel more fulfilled than you ever thought you would- like me! I always saw myself with 2 and when I had 1 perfect child, I knew I was done.... so who knows. Your family is waiting for you, you just don't know what it looks like yet!

  2. I've known too many couples that have adopted and then conceived within five years not to think that it may happen to you.
