Sunday, July 13, 2014

She Just Blew My Mind Again.

Ok, let me set the stage for the normal, everyday:  temper, temper, temper.  This kid has a short, short fuse and it usually has to do with us trying to get her to do something like eat or speak a new sound.  She will lash out and hit us, then start screaming, then throw herself on the ground and cry.  The day might as well end there because it's a struggle for the rest of the day coming.  It's usually me getting smacked in the face because I'm home all day with her.  I have been trying soooo hard to get her to do the 'buh' sound and to have her not use the 'nnn' sound for when saying milk.  These are old habits to break... and her temper is breaking me.  I feel so bad because we encouraged the compensated sounds before the surgery (ie. Gaga for Dada) and now we say it isn't right and she loses it.  Once she has temper tantrumed once, every little thing for the day does it, bumping her stroller while she is walking Elmo, not being able to use her fork properly, not getting something to stay in just the right spot.  Nothing will make her happy.  So, with this being said, I was dreading our latest speech pathology appointment, picturing her hitting the speech pathologist, screaming, and just getting angry the whole hour.  Dania sat quiety, listened to what she was told, responded and tried sounds and words that she never would for us, and didn't throw any fit when she was denied a toy until she attempted the sound.  For the whole hour.  I think I sat there with my jaw hung open.  She even let the speech pathologist touch her face and push her lips together!  Unbelievable.  I was so blown away when we left that appointment.  She still doesn't have that patience with me now that I KNOW she can do it hahaha.  She has a better time with the P and B being the start of the second syllable (apple, elbow).  That is now the angle we are approaching things as opposed to initial sounds.

One thing that isn't making her frustrated, and that I am being impressed with, is the potty training.  She still is unable to tell us when she has to pee and she doesn't look different or dance or give any body language to indicate that need yet, but she has been pooping on the toilet daily now.  She is even pointing to her bum and walking to the toilet and going (twice in the last week!) instead of me just putting her on around her usual time and waiting.  We let her play with the tablet on the toilet... her lap isn't big enough for books to not fall off!... and that allows her to relax and then she gets a few chocolate chips as a reward.  It's working for both of us so I'm happy.  Once she is consistent for a whole week I will try her without the diaper and start working on telling us when she has to pee.

Other than that, we are just outside as much as possible and enjoying the nice weather!

1 comment:

  1. Short temper....
    Like mother like daughter teeheehee!
    XOXO see you soon toots!
